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"Art is knowing how to transfer

To a painting,

to a sculpture,

to  architecture,

to a song,

to a dance...

something that in the soul

does not die.


A work of art

thus becomes eternal,

because of this something,

that even as the years go by,

the trends, the methods change, the technique evolves

and the discoveries multiply,

the work remains,

because it has a mark

immortal divine".

Chiara Lubich


In our lives there is only one color that gives meaning to art and to life itself: the color of love".

Marc Chagall 

Art Criticism


"Dina has a very rich international portfolio where professionalism

and faith are always

highly visible in the various artistic expressions

of her works".

"If we compare her

stained-glass windows

with the rainbow, we recognize

all its colors (from red to orange, from yellow to green,

from blue to indigo and violet),

all the shades of love that, following the verses of Dante Alighieri (Purgatory, song XXIV,

verses 50-54), faithfully follow

those that dictate Love.

And I to him: "I am a poet (in this case a painter) who, when inspired

by  Love, takes notes and writes exactly what He tells me inside

of my heart".

"Her works are an apotheosis of colors and transparencies! They are clear and strong,

and at the same time they are essential in shapes,

where the figure is delicately lost in the abstract."


"Trabalhos plenos de uma

pureza luminosa,

de cores irradiantes,

de formas que se movimentam


em harmonias musicais

que nos despertam

para uma outra realidade, onde a Beleza floresce

e se enraíza".

architect  Emanuele Masiello 

Superintendent-director of the cultural

and artistic heritage of Florence,

Pistoia and Prato

Drª Maria Maddalena Mosco 

Former Director of the Silver Museum

of Pitti Palace

Sculptor Ave Cerquetti 

Founder, Manager and former Director of the Ave Center the one who started it and coordinated it for many years

Actor e Encenador Júlio Martín da Fonseca

Doutor em Artes pela Universidade de Lisboa.

© 2020 Dina Figueiredo 

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